Delivering social value to our clients and their residents is central to our culture, we work in partnership with clients to develop bespoke social value packages for each project.
Recently we have been involved in a number of projects that added value to the communities we worked in, these include:
- Providing work experience and employment through Women into Construction CIC
- Providing work experience for five students
- Apprenticeships for Electrical, Plumbing and Business Administration
- Attendance at careers fairs
- Supporting staff through training to degree level
- Refurbishment of a domestic violence refuge kitchen
- Refurbishing hydrotherapy pool steps
- Coffee mornings with free raffles at various sheltered accommodation schemes
- Sponsorship of client customer awards
- Sponsorship of junior sports teams and school events
We were also delighted to accept the 2019 Social Value Contractor of the Year award from our partners Barnet Homes.
In addition to the social value we deliver in partnership with our clients, R. Benson launched a Charity Fundraising Programme in 2019. We set an ambitious target of raising £20,000 for various charities throughout the year and with the support of colleagues, friends, family and our supply chain partners we were able to donate over £22,000 to charites in 2023.
Our 2024 charities, chosen by our staff, are Rennie Grove Hospice Care, Children with Cancer UK and Trussell Trust.
Keep up to date with all our news by following us on Twitter and Linkedin